
Less Economically Developed Music is a music blog (and tiny indie record label) to champion the musical underdog and DIY artists.

We aim to showcase the best music from self-produced artists, bands and DIY labels with reviews of singles, EPs, albums or plain old recommendations. 

We also like to write about - or perhaps take aim at - the more economically developed parts of the broader music scene to offer a less conventional, witty or downright sarcastic look at some of the happenings in the world of big egos and huge royalty cheques. These articles are often created in the spirit of good-natured humour and are not to always be taken seriously. We aim to amuse, not offend. 

If you are part of a "less economically developed" music project, or just want to suckle at the teat of some coverage to support your endeavours then we would love to hear from you. 

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